Corporate Data Model and Succession Data Model

 1. Corporate Data model

    1. Used to define the organizational structure
    2. The foundation objects are configured here
    3. There are standard hris-elements that you work with in this data model. Each element in turn has standard and custom fields with attributes that determine their behavior on the UI.
    4. Associations are built in this data model
    5. Below is an example of a corporate data model showing the Company code hris-element. The attributes defined determine the UI behavior visibility determines whether the field is edit, view or both. “Required” determines if the field is mandatory or optional. The following is the text view in the Oxygen XML editor.


  2. Country Specific (CSF) Corporate Data model

    1. You define the country specific features for elements already defined in the corporate Data model
    2. This data model comes with some standard delivered localization elements like National ID etc.
    3. You have to define a hris-element in the Corporate data model in order to specify the country specific behavior for that element
    4. Below is an example of the country Specific Corporate Data model showing a few countries and delivered hris-elements. You can add any hris-element defined in the Corporate data model to add country specific requirements. The following is the grid view in the Oxygen XML editor.


  3. Succession Data model

    1. You define the HR data (Person and Employment) in this data model. This data model is called “data model” in Provisioning
    2. With the rapid advancement of the Meta data framework customers can configure most of the elements on the OneAdmin UI
    3. Below is an example of the personalInfo hris-element in XML

Succession DM.png

       d. The same element can be configured in the Metadata Framework via OneAdmin UI by going to Manage Business Configuration


  4. Country Specific (CSF) Succession Data model

    1. The country specific succession data model is used to define country specific requirements for elements defined in the succession data model
    2. For example, if you want to define US specific fields to store Global Info you will do that in the Country Specific (CSF) succession data model, similar to the CSF Corporate data model

You will be working most frequently on the standard hris-elements hence selecting them for discussion. There are a number of things you can do with the background elements in the Succession Data model, such as create custom views for the client and it is synced with the Employee profile and other integrated products of the BizX suite.

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